Hypnosis can help with an array of conditions including weight loss, quit smoking, habits and addictions, psychosexual problems, motivation, self-esteem, pain management, to help control the symptoms of IBS and internet addiction including viewing porography, and social media addiction. Hypnosis is excellent in the treatment of stress and burnout
Research shown that diets have a high failure rate. People then get into a habit of yo-yo dieting which may increase weight gain over time. In hypnosis we tackle the under lying courses and help to tackle gravings and negative self-talk. Hypnosis is a holistic therapy insofar it treats the whole person rather just one aspect. Whilst mainly diets will show weight loss over a shorter period of time hypnosis can help with you losing weight and keeping it off over a longer period of time.
​​Hypnosis has been shown to be effective for a number of habits and addictions including nail-biting, viewing internet pornography, social media addiction and quit smoking. Hypnosis can also help with sex addiction, binge drinking, gambling and hoarding. Remember if you have learned a habit you can 'unlearn' it!
Sometimes we reach dead ends and don't know which way to turn. Hypnosis can help you re-evaluate your life and take a step back in order to equip you with moving in a different direction. Whether this is a career change, a move or due to relationship breakdown.