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Irritable Bowel Syndrome 


Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common functional disorder of the gastrointentinal system. IBS is thought to be due to changes in the way the gut functions and is associated with symptoms such as bloating, diarrhoea, constipation and abdominal cramps and pain. A person suffering IBS may also experience lethargy, insomnia, headaches and nausea which can seriously intrude into their lives. The condition may also flare up under stress and can become so acute that a person may have to take time off work. Moreover, it can effect their personal life, especially if they are suffering diarrhoea that they avoid leaving home or travelling long distances which may cause problems in relationships or with work colleagues.  


Currently there are no tests to detect IBS however if you experience any of the above symptoms you should always make an appointment to see your GP to rule out any other underlying cause and for a diagnosis of IBS before seeking out treatment to help with this debilitating disorder. 


Hypnosis can assist greatly with IBS and research in both the UK and the USA has found that it is effective in over 70% of cases and that the effects of hypnosis are long term. Further, hypnotherapy has proven to be more beneficial than medication for the treatment of all the symptoms of IBS rather than just one or two. 


Surely IBS is a physical disorder?


There is no firm medical evidence as to what actually causes IBS. There is some research which has suggested that it maybe a combination of both physical and psychological origins. Recent research has even suggested that the intestines of IBS sufferers maybe more sensitive, and that the messages sent from the brain may actually be causing the sensitivity of the gut. Moreover, IBS maybe a symptom rather than a cause, and that perhaps stress, anxiety, depression maybe fuelling the condition. 


How can hypnosis help IBS?


Hypnosis can work at a number of levels. Firstly, it is thought hypnosis can actually decrease the frequency and/or intensity of the messages from the brain to the gut. Research has suggested that during stressful times the messages from the brain maybe more frequent or intense, thus oversensitising the gut. Hypnosis can also work by reducing the symptoms of IBS by relaxation, which in turn reduces an individual’s pain and anxiety, which means that the bowel will react less in ‘stressful’ conditions and thus reducing the painful cramps, diarrhoea and constiputation. Many people report the positive benefits of hypnosis long-term.


What will the sessions involve?


At the initial consultation I will go through a questionnaire and ask you a number of questions as to how long you have had IBS, the symptoms you experience and the times these become stronger or more unbearable. I will then demonstrate some suggestibility techniques with you and then look at relaxing you by the use of progressive muscle relaxation. 


In the following sessions I will introduce specific techiques to help with symptoms of the IBS. These are especially designed to target your gut. 


How many sessions will I need to have?


This depends on the individual and how long they have had the condition and I will discuss this with you at the initial consultation. I usually recommend a minimum of 6 sessions. If a person has suffered from the disorder for a lengthy period then they may need more sessions. Generally clients often report positive feelings after only 3 sessions.


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